
Welcome to this years Math Blog

Welcome!  Ok so here we are in the lab. 
Read this very carefully. 

Here are the rules:
  • You must start every post with your first intial and last intial.
  • NO NAMES - do not include your name - do not include another students name.  I will not post these and no mater how elegant yuor answer, I will not post it and you will lose the points.
  • You are only allowed to work with your partner.
For every post you must:

  • You must organize your thought so you are explaning in a logical order and manner.
  • You must answer with complete sentences. 
  • You must explain how you got your answer.
  • You must provide support to prove your answer.
  • Your writing must follow the six traits and have a beginning, middle and end.
  • Write your answer up in Word and then cut and paste into the comment box.
  • Save the Word document in case something happens - you will still have your post.
  • Read the comment box to be sure your comment posted.
  • Symbols will sometimes prevent you from posting (like a smiley face,) see me if you have trouble posting.
  • Post anonymously.
  • You can include pictures and tables, see me for help if you want to do this prior to me teaching the class how.  ;-)

Have fun with the blog,
Ms. Leckman